barry minkow wife. This story originally aired on May 22, 2005. barry minkow wife

 This story originally aired on May 22, 2005barry minkow wife He was convicted of fraud and became a prison inmate for over 7 years subsequent to his misdeeds

Due to the lack of evidence and reports on Lisa and his kids, information and data are hard to find. Among his victims were a widower who gave $75,000 to fund a supposed hospital in Sudan to honor his wife after she died of cancer, and a woman who gave. This is the second installment of a two-part story on Barry Minkow. Barry Minkow and his partner, Tom Padgett, set up a fake company- Interstate Appraisal Services- to defraud financial institutions. His failed Ponzi scheme led to 7 years in prison. That’s one of the reasons the San Fernando Valley native got involved in the three-part “King of the Con. In 2011, he admitted to helping deliberately drive down the stock price of. 👉👉Check out the store: Today's sit down is special because Michael will be sharing the screen with a long-time friend, B. 9 ZZZZ Best Company, Inc. Based on the life of 1980s Ponzi schemer turned Evangelical minister Barry Minkow, the film went into production. Barry Minkow, a former Ponzi scam artist, and psychologists for the Wall Street elite offer very different motives behind why people dig themselves so deep into fraud for so long. “Okay, yeah you would get 10 percent immediately, which is $30,000 a year, and then you would qualify for a lump sum when you exit, 10 times 5, $150,000 lump sum – plus of course your original. Is Barry Minkow still married? Personal life. 👉👉Check out the store: Today's sit down is special because Michael will be sharing the screen with a long-time friend, B. history, is to be the subject of a new docuseries after partnering with The Content Group and Intervention producer Sami. Barry Minkow (born March 17, 1967) was an American teenage entrepreneur who managed to present the front of a successful businessman for a number of years during the 1980s. 1/10. In an email to The. Holding American nationality, Minkow’s ethnicity is Jewish. By Beth Barrett Federal prosecutors have struck an agreement with Barry Minkow to plead guilty to criminal insider trading for actions that damaged. some $580 million in lost stock value. AUTHOR'S POST. b) money he could use to invest in other companies. The donation was made in honor of the man’s wife, who had recently died of cancer. July 3, 2011 9:57 PM PT. Is Barry Minkow still in jail? After being released from jail, Minkow charted a new path, becoming a pastor and launching a fraud investigation firm Fraud Discovery Institute that worked with the FBI and SEC to help expose nearly $1B in. Barry Minkow Movies. Director, Writer. He is also the author of The Webster Chronicle published by BlueHen in October 2001. He entered his plea in a Miami federal court to one count that carries a maximum prison sentence of five years. Barry Minkow spent his youth bilking investors who believed in his nonexistent insurance restoration business. He attended Cleveland High School, where he graduated in 1985. Name: Con Man. Barry Minkow, the subject of King of the Con, was a master at cheating the system and embezzling money. The story of ZZZZ Best is one of greed and audaciousness. Barry Minkow's Wife Lisa. Barry Jay Minkow (born March 22, 1966) is a former American businessman, pastor, and convicted felon. Barry Minkow was certainly that—and much more. Lisa Minkow, wife of former con man Barry Minkow, filming “The King of the Con. The couple tied the knot in 2002 and also shares two sons who go by the names; Dylan Gene Minkow and Robert Irwin Minkow. The couple tied the knot in 2002 and also shares two sons who go by the names; Dylan Gene Minkow and Robert Irwin Minkow. Remember Barry Minkow, the Southern Californian who became a symbol of 1980s financial fraud with his $100 million ZZZZ Best carpet cleaning scam? See also: Barry Minkow Fraud: How He Duped the. Barry Minkow has admitted not only his fraud, but his omission of over $890,000 in unreported income and over $250,000 in tax. They even had two Siberian Huskies and an Australian shepherd named Macho. However, it was actually a front to attract investment for a massive Ponzi scheme. He converted to Christianity in prison and entered the ministry but. July 6, 2011 5:08 PM PT. ZZZZ. Called a. The story of Barry Minkow, a young charismatic business man who becomes a wealthy. Minkow’s. Today’s court action reaffirms IRS-Criminal Investigation’s. The movie is Minkow, the story of Barry Minkow, who created a colossal Ponzi scheme while in his teens. ZZZZ. He was released early in 1995. The birth sign of Minkow is Aries. His name is Barry Minkow. Minkow is happily married to his wife Lisa, the two tied the knot in 2002 Barry Minkow’s Personal Life, Married & Children. After being released from jail, Barry decided to become a pastor and fraud investigator in San Diego and spoke at schools about ethics. The birth sign of Minkow is Aries. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison. Barry Minkow Explains The Toll Steroids Took On His Marriage After Serving Time | “He chooses women that go along with the Barry show. Barry Minkow's Wife Lisa. Barry Minkow: 35-year custodial sentence Minkow was sentenced to a 25-year jail term but scored an early release in 1995. Renews at $263. . The story of Barry Minkow, a young charismatic business man who becomes a wealthy CEO by lying, cheating and stealing his way to the top. Barry is married to his beautiful wife, Lisa. Barry Minkow lives an extra vagrant life with his family in a rural town in Tennessee. July 28, 1995. Minkow is 54 years old as of 2020. A 15-year-old Barry Minkow started a carpet cleaning company in 1980s Los Angeles. Today's court action reaffirms IRS Criminal Investigation's commitment to investigating crimes involving tax and other financial crimes. Minkow’s wife, his sister, the woman who helped. Shopping. The man became a billionaire in reverse after pleading guilty to defaming and extorting a Miami-based homebuilder called Lennar Corp in 2014. c) money he could use to pay some creditors without other creditors finding out. King of the Con is a true crime docu-series about one of the youngest self-made millionaires in the 1980s. Minkow, 55, raised alarms about the North Jersey firm in a memo to the SEC before the investigations were disclosed. He celebrates his birthday on March 22nd every year. 7 1 h 40 min 2018 X-Ray 13+Barry Minkow’s Personal Life, Married & Children. Minkow had claimed a net worth of $90 million, drove a red. The redemption of Barry Minkow, a wunderkind business sensation of the 1980s who was exposed as a con man and spent years in prison but later built a new life. After serving just over seven years in prison for turning his carpet cleaning company ZZZZ Best into a $100 million scam, Barry Minkow. March 24, 2011 at 6:51 p. Minkow (2017). F ew con men are as notorious as Barry Minkow. TLDR: “Reformed” Con Man Barry Minkow used stolen funds from his church parishioners while a pastor in San Diego to fund a feature film about his redemption. 貝利·米克 (Barry Minkow,1967年3月17日-)有著一個令人難以置信的白手起家青年的故事,其善於利用口才,其創立了一個的「Z最好」公司(ZZZZ Best),並且搭上了美國80年代快速致富的年代,利用吸引投資人的方法,在上市後被投資者瘋狂支持。. net. King of the Con is a three-part doc about the life of serial scam artist Barry Minkow that will premiere on Discovery+ on Friday (Jan. Barry Minkow and his wife, Lisa Minkow. The Content Group. The Fraud Discovery Institute was founded by Barry Minkow in 2001 Minkow had been released from prison in 1995, where he was serving a sentence for a Ponzi scheme involving a carpet-cleaning company called ZZZZ Best. The true story of Barry Minkow, a charismatic teenager, turned business man, who became the youngest person ever to defraud Wall Street. In one of his final sermons at Mira Mesa's Community Bible Church this spring, Rev. Cancel anytime. We will Inspire You. 95--its ledger books showed that 86% of its revenue. Barry Minkow, cofounder of the Fraud Discovery Institute, earned a masters of divinity degree from Liberty University and today divides his time between busting investment scams and serving as the senior pastor of Community Bible Church in San Diego, California, where he lives with his wife Lisa and twin sons Robert and Dylan. Minkow did it all through his carpet cleaning company, which turned out to be quite phony, they weren’t really making money from carpet cleanings, instead, Minkow had the company as a front and made money through several illegal. In case of information, we will update it as soon as possible. Reformed fraudster falls off the wagon Former entrepreneurial whiz kid and convicted fraudster, Barry Minkow, struck a deal with federal prosecutors over his most recent fraud scheme involving Lennar Corp. 14). a source of working capital to be used to buy new equipment. Barry Minkow, March 22, Barry Minkow was born on the 22 March 1966 in California, His mother worked at a carpet-cleaning firm, and when he was a child, she managed to get him a part-time job as a telemarketer. At the age of 21, boy wonder Barry Minkow was worth $110m after the value of his carpet cleaning and restoration company ZZZZ Best entered with a bang onto the stock market. More information. (Caan) beating Carlo Rizzi (Russo) in the street with a garbage can lid, Carlo having beaten his wife and Sonny’s. Barry Minkow, a Jewish kid from Los Angeles, has dreams to strike it big. Barry Minkow, the man who scammed L. Kate is currently working for the WGRV-TV as a news anchor after joining in January 2018. Charles is the father of two kids, Andy and Becky Stanley. Makaeff, 715 F. On the eve of Barry Minkow's trial on charges of staging an elaborate securities hoax, two former associates pleaded guilty Monday to roles in setting up a series of phony jobs to inflate the. The third party posed as leasing agents of a Property Management Firm, which allowed them access to the building. The pair seems to be a social patron, and they adopted two children, Dylan Gene Minkow and Robert Irwin Minkow. Minkow's secret allegedly was fraud. Published Jan. He has a variety of sources of income, which has enabled him to rise to the top of the list of the most prominent celebrities so rapidly and to the side of the leading list of celebrities. As of 2022, Barry Minkow is 56 years old. He was convicted of fraud and became a prison inmate for over 7 years subsequent to his misdeeds. According to the video, ZZZZ Best was founded by Barry Minkow in 1982; when he was sixteen years. ACC 461 Auditing. . He entered his plea in a Miami federal court to one count that carries a maximum prison sentence of five years. The Stranger In My Bed (St. Minkow had started a carpet-cleaning business in his parent’s garage when he was only 13. history, is to be the subject of a new docuseries after partnering with The Content Group and Intervention producer Sami. By the time he was 21, Minkow. It is based on the real-life story of Barry Minkow, who also appears in the film. PUBLISHED IMAGE. . All information on our site is a result of extensive research and regular updates through trusted and highly qualified editors. In order for Minkow to convince Ernest & Whinney that his insurance restoration contracts were real, he decided to bring in a third party. , and his church parishioners raise funds for a film about his life. EXCLUSIVE: Barry Minkow, who ran one of the largest Ponzi schemes in U. Jump into read his life Facts, Wikipedia and biographies Details. Da es Barry schwerfällt, sich mit seinem Unternehmen am Markt dauerhaft zu behaupten, greift er bald auf fragwürdige Mittel zurück und beginnt, Schecks zu fälschen. Only there was no. He was. August 5, 2020 11:00am. Brett Wright, who lost his wife, Kathy, to cancer in 2009, said he spoke with Minkow about making a donation to honor his wife’s memory. Barry was also known for her wry sense of humor, evident in a 2015 case over fan access to Super Bowl tickets. IMG was gearing up to produce the life story of Barry J. S. For a little summary, the ZZZZ Best Company Case is a case revolving around the story Mr. He said Minkow persuaded him to donate $75,000 to an. Lisa Minkow. S. We've all failed. Wed 10 Jul 2002 21. Country. 1 What was Barry Minkow’s original business? 2 What business allowed Barry Minkow to grow the company? 3. Unfortunately, due to my wife’s desire to constantly build stuff and renovate, I am in non-stop “negotiations” with these jerk-offs. . when I came out of. Barry Minkow’s twisting road through life will carry the former San Fernando Valley teen tycoon back to prison Wednesday to serve his second sentence for securities fraud. It is the story of a 15-year-old boy from Reseda, California, who was driven to be successful, regardless of the costs. The star, who came out publicly in 2017,. 14). Discovery+ has announced that King of the Con, a three-part doc about the life and crimes of serial scam artist Barry Minkow, will be available to stream in its entirety beginning Friday, January. Barry Minkow was born on March 17, 1967 in Reseda, California. The true story of Barry Minkow, a charismatic teenager, turned business man, who became the youngest person ever to defraud Wall Street. Some facts about Barry Minkow and ZZZZ Best:. Barry Minkow testified Thursday that he tried to hang himself in prison when he became despondent over the demands being placed on him by organized crime. He got religion and got out after 7 years, and in. He is also the founder of ZZZZ Best. Brambles’ police reports trace a winding path that led him to the carpet-cleaning company renowned for its teen-age founder, Barry Minkow, who began the business in his parents’ Reseda garage. Minkow also agreed to cooperate with an ongoing federal. Kate is currently working for the WGRV-TV as a news anchor after joining in January 2018. The Bible warns of people like Minkow, “As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly. Barry Minkow now starts his day at 3. Minkow started and ran one of the most well known Ponzi schemes during the 1980’s. S. His wife is, Lisa. Minkow, 48, formerly of Poway, in San Diego County, is not a nice man, an IRS agent said in the U. Ron Sobel Books by Michael Fleeman. Minkow was a reformed con man, a rehabilitated swindler who in 1982 at just fifteen years of age started a carpet cleaning empire called “ZZZZ Best. If you attend an ACFE event and are not completely satisfied, please contact an ACFE Member Services Representative at MemberServices@ACFE . The couple tied the knot in 2002 and also shares two sons who go by the names; Dylan Gene Minkow and Robert Irwin Minkow. in the '80s with a $100 million ponzi scheme involving a carpet cleaning company called ZZZZ Best, seemed to get his act. Born March 22, 1966, in Inglewood, Barry Minkow was the youngest of three children of Robert I. org. At age 16, he started his own carpet cleaning company, which he built up to be an amazing feat for a teenager. db. beyond. Con Man extraordinaire Barry Minkow has nine lives and then. Minkow. Minkow said he didn't profit off the tumble. Whilst Minkow currently still serves behind the jail, it’s not certain. Barry Minkow is a convicted conman, and he believes anyone can find redemption. Ernst and Whinney did no longer need to lose ZZZZ Best as an audit client; After all,Barry Minkow was a genius on Wall street. Barry Minkow is a former American businessman, pastor, and fraud investigator. The LA Weekly in an October 14 story on Minkow headlined “Barry Minkow 2. Barry Minkow has admitted not only his fraud, but his omission of over $890,000 in unreported income and over $250,000 in tax. Barry Minkow has admitted not only his fraud, but his omission of over $890,000 in unreported income and over $250,000 in tax. He was successful in preventing the auditors from becoming overly interested by using the power of the fact that they did not want to risk losing the ZZZZ Best account. Although this case dates back over 30 years, it does serve as an example of what can happen when auditors do not look too hard to. By. Redemption: Directed by Bruce McAlester. Usana's lawyers hired Kroll, Inc. ” The fraud on SDCBC is just the latest fraud perpetrated by Minkow. United States. Barry Minkow is headed back to prison to serve a five-year sentence for securities fraud, but the ex-con who reinvented himself as a. English. Likewise, she is also the anchor of Spectrum, earlier known as Time Warner Cable, for more than 14 years, joining since January 2007. Minkow’s. Burgos became the cover of every magazine at 27 years. While still in high school, he founded the ZZZZ Best (pronounced “Zee Best”), which appeared to be an immensely successful carpet-cleaning and restoration company, but was actually a front to attract investment for a massive Ponzi. His wife is, Lisa. his estimated net worth is $1 Million to $5 Million Approx. ZZZZ Best was a carpet cleaning business created by Barry J. Barry Minkow is a convicted conman, and he believes anyone can find redemption. Barry Minkow is a 56-years-old American Businessperson from the United States of America. , Barry Minkow Biography, Age, Conviction, Education, Family, and Net Worth. Former pastor and con man, Barry Minkow, age 48, was sentenced to five years in federal prison for stealing $3. Minkow paid an insurance executive to "verify" nonexistent work. It’s been a tough few weeks for Barry Minkow, as Patrick Byrne has done a fine job chronicling recently. admitted that he tricked a widower into making a $75,000 donation for a hospital in the Sudan to honor his wife after she died of. Minkow had. conman-turned-pastor, convicted of cheating church. DAVE’S SEAFOOD IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU ARE READING AT NEWSTIME. August 5, 2020 11:00am. We've all failed. As a 1980s California high school sophomore, Minkow founded ZZZZ Best carpet cleaners, which grew at such an astronomical rate that it. This video is currently unavailable. Before the film was completed Minkow was sentenced twice to prison for a myriad of crimes and ordered over half a billion dollars in restitution. Minkow said he came to the meeting with an assistant posing as his wife. Elisabeth Röhm. If Barry Minkow could find redemption, the Lord can save anyone. Barry Minkow, a charismatic teenager, turned businessman, who became the youngest person ever to defraud Wall Street. 40. At that time, the carpet cleaning industry has few entry barriers and all Minkow needed was a small amount of. Minkow attorney Alvin E. Ferrer, United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, and John V. When Barry Minkow was young, what crimes, if any, did he allegedly commit? 5. Minkow’s sudden return from ex-felon to current-felon has come as a surprise to some, but not to the Deep Capture team; for we have, over nearly four years, sought to raise awareness of Minkow’s place in a much broader, criminal stock. In Film Minkow (2017) is a film about his life was directed by Bruce Caulk , starring Justin Baldoni, Mark Hamill, Elisabeth and Talia Shire. 'Barry Minkow had nothing to do about it, and if he had done. Minkow`s California-based company, created when he was a 16-year-old high school student, became a publicly traded enterprise, with reported annual sales of $50 million headed for $1 billion. Young Barry J. EDT. We agree that Medifast has failed to show that Minkow s individual statements were libelous per se. Barry Minkow, who as a teen built. 4 Pages. , not the minimum-security work camp in Alabama he had hoped for and a. In 1982, at age 16, he started ZZZZ Best, a carpet. As of 2022, he has an estimated net worth of. SAN DIEGO – Former San Diego Community Bible Church Pastor Barry Minkow, a prolific fraudster whose crimes and claimed rehabilitation landed him on 60 Minutes and the cover of Fortune Magazine, was sentenced today to five years in prison for embezzling more than $3 million from his own parishioners and then concealing the funds from the Internal Revenue Service. Barry Minkow, the subject of King of the Con, was a master at cheating the system and embezzling money. Cancel anytime. The Bible warns of people like Minkow, “As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly. Con Man (2018) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. One of wall streets Biggest Frauds",Minkow discusses conserving a celebration with partners and executives of Ernst and Whinney and invitting their. Minkow was sentenced at age 23 for the text-book case study known as the ZZZZ Best Co. 2. Late last month, the SEC asked Minkow for his consent to share the document with the Office of the U. Inglewood, California, United States, is the birthplace of Barry Minkow. ”. This is his thrilling, tragic, but ultimately inspiring story. EXCLUSIVE: Barry Minkow, who ran one of the. The story of ZZZZ Best is one of greed and audaciousness. Minkow when he was a teenager. Claiming credit for at least some of NRIA’s recent regulatory scrutiny is self-styled corporate whistleblower Barry Minkow, who has been imprisoned for running scams of his own — twice. AUTHOR'S POST. Show more. Minkow had started a carpet-cleaning business in his parent’s garage when he was only 13. Writer. And he quoted from Barry Minkow, the whiz-kid founder of ZZZZ Best Co. Times Staff Writer. Former businessman and felon Barry Minkow is photographed with wife Lisa for Fortune Magazine on September 16,. If Barry Minkow could find redemption, the Lord can save anyone. 40. When Caan was going through a difficult divorce from wife Sheila Ryan in 1976,. 24/7 access to courses through your Internet browser. Please locate and read the following about the ZZZZ Best case or identify other news articles related to the incident: · Armario, Christine “ZZZZ Best's Barry Minkow in hot water again” USATODAY. A wild tale of fraud, carpets, and Hollywood. January 15, 2022. Until that point, his life had seemed like a movie plot. May 19, 2005 / 4:54 PM / CBS. AT 16, Barry Minkow started a carpet cleaning company, ZZZZ Best, in his parents' basement in Reseda, Calif. Minkow’s wife, his sister, the woman who helped. See moreNick Schager January 12, 2022 · 16 min read Sandy Huffaker/Bloomberg via Getty Few con men are as notorious as Barry Minkow. Garland, acting special agent in charge of IRS Criminal Investigations for the Los Angeles field office, as reported by 10 News. Brett Wright, whose daughter was married by Minkow, said his former pastor stole a $75,000 donation that was intended to build a hospital in Darfur, Sudan. – Proverbs 26:11 NIV. His wife is, Lisa. Also Read: Barry Minkow Net Worth, Wife, Gay, Married. Who is Barry. Gillies, Special Agent in Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Miami Field Office, announced that defendant Barry Minkow, 44, of San Diego, California, was sentenced today on one count of conspiracy to commit securities fraud, in violation of. – Proverbs 26:11 NIV. Securities and Exchange Commission, the FBI and Internal Revenue Service from California pastor Barry Minkow, who served time in jail for stock fraud, concerned a deal. 06. In his ebook ,Clean sweep:"the inner story of the Zzzz Best rip-off . Running time. Calling him a “predator from the pulpit,” Pletcher said Minkow admitted to a litany of misdeeds that included stealing $300,000 from a widow raising a granddaughter. Permalink. The letter to the U. and Carole Minkow. RESEDA, Calif. PUBLISHED IMAGE. Barry Minkow is a former businessman, convicted felon, and pastor from America. The story of Barry Minkow, a young charismatic businessman who becomes a wealthy CEO by lying, cheating and stealing his way to the top. Inform You and Entertain You. Decent Essays. Within five years, ZZZZ Best Carpet Cleaning Service went public. Barry Minkow is a 56-years-old American Businessperson from the United States of America. Lennar Corporation and Lennar Homes of California, Inc. He made the donation in honor of his wife, who died of cancer. It turned out that Minkow had used church funds to fund the Fraud Discovery Institute, and he had swindled several members of his church, asking one woman for $300,000 to fund a movie about his redemption and. Barry Jay Minkow, former American businessman, pastor, and 2x convicted felon, is now turned, fraud. 102: 8This thought is prompted by the saga of former white-collar jailbird Barry Minkow, 42, who got back in the news recently by taking the stock of Lennar Corp. Two-time fraud convict Barry Minkow is set to begin his latest prison sentence at the Federal Medical Center in Lexington, Ky. 5 million. Part two: As a self-professed scam-buster at Mira Mesa’s Fraud Discovery Institute, conman-turned. Do Your Own Research: Minkow's latest foray into securities fraud involved his supposed investigation of Lennar Homes , a company that. Barry Minkow and his wife, Lisa Minkow. On Jan 22, 2022. Then, half-way through the proceedings, Minkow shows up and plays himself!. b. Barry Minkow – $1. Nathaniel Muir. In this webinar, John Gill, J. . . Two-time felon Barry Minkow is facing financial fraud charges for a third time. A former top official of the ZZZZ Best carpet cleaning company broke into tears repeatedly Friday as he told a federal jury how the company's charismatic young leader, Barry Minkow, confessed that. Discovery+. I’m thinking about finding Barry Minkow and throwing some spaghetti at him, or help run USNA back to $60, in order to fuck with Barry’s puts. Im Jahr 1982 gründet der High-School-Schüler Barry Minkow (Justin Baldoni) eine Teppichreinigungsfirma. This story originally aired on May 22, 2005. July 22, 2011 12 AM PT. Minkow, who was in prison for his FDI conspiracy, was sentenced to another. Barry Minkow: All-American con man by Roger Parloff @rparloff January 5, 2012, 10:00 AM EST EShare icons His many lives: entrepreneur, fraud fighter, pastor, movie actor – and serial swindler. Barry Minkow married his wife Lisa in 2002, and the couple has two children. During a hearing yesterday morning, Miami federal Judge Patricia Seitz handed Barry Minkow a five-year prison term and also ordered he pay Lennar Corp. Establishment of ZZZZ Best Company. Minkow started and ran one of the most well known Ponzi schemes during the 1980’s. Minkow also agreed to cooperate with an ongoing federal. Maurice Rind, the financier identified by Barry Minkow as the secret architect of a massive fraud at Minkow's ZZZZ Best carpet cleaning company, invoked his privilege against self-incrimination. Basierend auf dem wahren, berühmten Betrugsfall. Within five years, ZZZZ Best Carpet Cleaning Service went public. Minkow was only 16 when he created this company. However, his greed and a few careless mistakes ultimately led to his capture. Donald Trump's ex-wife, Ivana Trump, died in. But old habits die hard. He grew his business into one of the nation’s largest carpet cleaning and restoration service industries in the 1980s. Even Matasareanu’s choice of a wife fell under Phillips’ influence, he said. The movie is Minkow, the story of Barry Minkow, who created a colossal Ponzi scheme while in his teens. Touré revealed about their wedding only on 23 November 2014 and said that it was a beautiful sunset ceremony on a fine beach.